Tuesday 26 August 2014

MYOB's Pulse!

So for this weeks blog I'll have to begin with my usual tall person skit, as I have been sitting here for a while now attempting to write a catchy and somewhat funny introduction to this weeks topic, but I'm coming up a little... SHORT on ideas (wow I wont lie that one liner just came to me as bad as it is. Don't worry I know you will all be shaking your heads at that one).

Anyway bad dad jokes aside this weeks topic was to head out and find an organization from the professional sector which is currently using a blog or a wiki to enhance their business and to make connections with the various relevant levers in Enterprise 2.0 published by McKinsey Global Institute.  I went to trusty Google and searched for a few different things before settling on a blog MYOB uses, as I have used MYOB many times before in a different roll in an old job.
MYOB for those who don't know or haven't had any previous exposure to accounting software is a program and set of tools which enable you to more efficiently manage your businesses accounting, payroll and more. In the MYOB story found here, the company began in 1991 with an idea to "create affordable tools that made business life easier. Many years later they offer accounting and other tools for small to large scale businesses with desktop applications and cloud-based business management solutions.
I recently did a subject on online resource gathering, where you had to conduct an environmental scan on a chosen business. Its where you recommend various resources to a company which they should review at certain intervals in order to keep up with their markets trends, new business ideas and issues that effect them on a regular basis. If I was doing such a scan on the small business I currently work for I would definitely be recommending that they review MYOB's Pulse blog on a regular basis. 
The blog produced by MYOB is more a collection of blog posts from various employees from different departments in relation to issues effecting businesses.  It is an effective way to not only to inform readers on business practices and management styles and effectiveness, but to also help users utilise the full potential of their products by posting blog articles like this one MYOB OnTheGo. Posts such as this tie in heavily with McKinsey's  eighth value lever "provide customer car via social technologies", by posting articles like this one it is enabling MYOB to further customers interaction and perceived value with their products.
Other posts on MYOB's blog relate to leadership styles and leadership lessons. This particular post was themed with the hit TV show Game of Thrones (found here), where by the writer helps the reader associate leadership styles by comparing them to various leaders in Game of Thrones, which I found to be a very interesting read. This type of article relates more to McKinsey's third lever where by "using social to distribute business processes", which helps readers identify their own, or their manages leadership style and to better understand the pro's and cons of each.
The final lever of McKinsey's that I will touch on with this blog post in relation to MYOB's Pulse although not the last one applicable, is lever nine "use social technology to improve intra - or inter-organizational collaboration and communication". The blog MYOB currently implements is a collaboration of articles and posts from various people and various departments.  Each organisational department often focuses on a specific area and by having the collaboration of works from different peoples specialisations it is enabling MYOB staff to effective learn or read interesting articles put forward by their co-workers. It also helps other organisations view and bring up topics discussed in blog articles within their businesses and help better improve the knowledge base of the wider community.
That about finishes it up for this weeks post and once again the ability to write something humorous to now conclude this blog post is eluding me. Although judging by my first few lines I should probably leave it at one bad dad joke for the entire series of blogs.  Thanks for reading this weeks Stretched Report! 

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Social Nublet...

Id like to begin this weeks Stretched Report by beginning to help define this weeks title.  Urban Dictionary defines Nublet as: "The ultimate form of being noob,newb,nub, etc. This is lower than being nub. You are half of a nub. If you get called this you are not even worth being called a noob." Aka this writer right here, well in my opinion anyway.

The Activity

So this weeks "Challenge", or rather blog activity for Enterprise 2.0 was to choose one of two options, with the first being a beginners option, or for those with a touch more experience with social media tools than myself a tougher second option. From the title I hope that the option that I've chosen should be pretty obvious so off I went to create accounts and investigate further (in other words I'm attempting to come out from the rock which I currently live under).


So firstly, twitter here I come! So as per last weeks blog the twitter account which I can spread news, opinions and all matters of my thoughts is @StretchAkAKen although that name may very well change as I may have picked that name on the fly because all other names were chosen, which is not half surprising due to my late arrival to this social party. In lighting quick speed the first tweet was up "Hello Twitter! #myfirstTweet.

Now I ask wtf is hash tagging cause quiet frankly, I see it everywhere but as I haven't previously involved with it.  I had very little idea (hopefully the title of the post is pretty clear here). So I took a trip to Google to do a bit of quick searching, Wikipedia defines it as

"A hastag is a word or an unspaced prhase prefixed with the number sign ("#"). It is a form of metadata tag. Words in messages on microblogging and social networking services such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, VK or Instagram may be tagged by putting "#" before them."

Now of course we all know that Wikipedia isn't the be all and end all of information, and it didn't really explain it how I would have liked so I delved off into further Google search results.  Now what I mean by further searching was simply to click on the next link which took me through to an article written by Rebecca Hiscott (Full article here Beginner's Guide to the Hashtag). She simply explained it to me as a hashtag being a searchable link, where by I could search a certain # to find topics and content based on those keywords. Pretty interesting stuff and proves that you can learn something new every day!


Now as per the blog activity I didn't stop there with just joining twitter and working out that if I hash tagged something, it wouldn't make me look completely retarded, not that I have a very big social following to look stupid in front of but its that old adage that what's posted on the web, stays on the web foreverrrr (said in a spoooooky voice).


So I decided to check out rss as well, and began by watching the video which was linked on CommonCraft. Now the whole nublet thing really hit home.  Around about the 40sec mark of the video it mentions the "old way" going to your favourite blog site and then onto your favourite news site. The bells in my head were tolling when the video went on to explain a "new and fast way" is when that same information that I had gone out and looked for individually comes to me instead. So as far as social technology goes its a good thing I'm doing Enterprise 2.0.

I also checked out the w3schools information on rss (W3Schools RSS info) as I have used that site many times before for different subjects but mainly to do with accessing correct ways to code and write websites and applications.  It basically reiterated what was covered in the previous video however also gave me a few ideas to incorporate them into possible new web designs.

Now its time for me to stop living under my rock and get myself an rss feed reader. I found on Time magazine's  Matt Peckham a tech guru has listed his top four readers so tonight's adventure will be working out which reader I prefer best and subscribing to a couple of feeds that take my fancy.


Rock Under Rock [img]. Accessed 12/08/2014 from http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/if-we-get-ayman-al-zawahiri-could-it-be-the-end-of-al-qaeda/question-1753289/?link=ibaf&q=&esrc=s

Tall Person Joke [img]. Accessed 12/08/2014 from http://www.tallpeople.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/tumblr_mhw0y5Au6J1r9qk1io1_500.png

Hashtagging. Accessed 12/08/2014 from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashtagging

Hiscott, R. (2013). The Beginner's Guide to the Hashtag. Accessed 12/08/2014 from http://mashable.com/2013/10/08/what-is-hashtag/

Peckham, M. (2013). RIP Google Reader, Hello Four Best RSS-Reader Replacements. Accessed 12/08/2014 from http://techland.time.com/2013/07/01/r-i-p-google-reader-hello-four-best-rss-reader-replacements/

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Blogging About Blogging

As like a vast majority of people this will be my first attempt at blogging, although after reading a large number of other students blogs I think everyone seems to have done fairly well with their first attempts.

"The Stretched Report?"

Firstly before I go deeper into this weeks topic I'll shed a ray of light onto the actual title of my blog here. Now "The Stretched Report" come's about primarily due to a nickname I've had floating around for a good many years now   I feel this little Cyanide and Happiness cartoon strip sum's it up fairly nicely.

Now my character in the above cartoon is the guy with only his torso showing. I'm a fairly tall bloke and it does lend itself to the usual questions to which I'll answer to no I don't and the weather is pretty damn fine. 

The Purpose of this Blog

After listening to Callam's lectures and reading a chapter or two from Porto, H.W (2011) on starting a blog, I felt that the title should incorporate a personal aspect of myself whilst providing an insight into the blogs content. The purpose of the blog will be to report on weekly aspects of Enterprise 2.0 whilst throwing in a touch of tall person humour which lends itself to the next topical part of this blog post, obtaining readership.


Obtaining Readership

In order to obtain readership the first point of call was for me to firstly start up a twitter and Instagram accounts. I have never been one to use either of these previously as I have been somewhat of a social hermit when it comes to these kinds of applications but that's about to change! After adding a few friends and work colleagues to these social platforms, getting my blogs notoriety out there should become slightly easier. Also in a book written by Walsh, B. (2007, 275) discusses how tracking readership and influence is essential, by being able to consistently monitor blog readership figures, statistics and views. Another strategy I aim to employ is to engage in reader comments by responding to comments left regarding the blog, in order to help connect with individuals.


Creating Useful Posts

In regards to creating useful posts, using factual reliable sources is essential but also covering the various Enterprise 2.0 topics in a fun and useful way to help engage readers.  Hopefully by throwing in a bit of humour along the way will assist in not only making the blog memorable but make the topic more interesting.

I'll quickly touch on existing blogs which I read, and if I'm honest isn't many. Its only been recently that I have begun reading Dota2 blogs (Dota2 is an online game for those playing along at home), and my readership is sporadic at best which I aim to change during the course of this subject and beyond!

That about sums up my first blog. If you've you have read this far "cheers" and well done! Now you'll all be looking for the tall guy next lecture and be like "F*$k he really is that tall" (engaging readers strategy ;).. ).


Cyanide & Happiness. Tall Justin [image]. Retrieved from http://explosm.net/comics/2433/

Wright- Porto, H. (2011). Creative Blogging, Your First Steps to a Successful Blog. Retrieved from http://link.springer.com.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/book/10.1007%2F978-1-4302-3429-6

Walsh, B. (2007). Successful Blogging, Clear Blogging. Retrieved from http://link.springer.com.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/chapter/10.1007%2F978-1-4302-0321-6_9