Tuesday 5 August 2014

Blogging About Blogging

As like a vast majority of people this will be my first attempt at blogging, although after reading a large number of other students blogs I think everyone seems to have done fairly well with their first attempts.

"The Stretched Report?"

Firstly before I go deeper into this weeks topic I'll shed a ray of light onto the actual title of my blog here. Now "The Stretched Report" come's about primarily due to a nickname I've had floating around for a good many years now   I feel this little Cyanide and Happiness cartoon strip sum's it up fairly nicely.

Now my character in the above cartoon is the guy with only his torso showing. I'm a fairly tall bloke and it does lend itself to the usual questions to which I'll answer to no I don't and the weather is pretty damn fine. 

The Purpose of this Blog

After listening to Callam's lectures and reading a chapter or two from Porto, H.W (2011) on starting a blog, I felt that the title should incorporate a personal aspect of myself whilst providing an insight into the blogs content. The purpose of the blog will be to report on weekly aspects of Enterprise 2.0 whilst throwing in a touch of tall person humour which lends itself to the next topical part of this blog post, obtaining readership.


Obtaining Readership

In order to obtain readership the first point of call was for me to firstly start up a twitter and Instagram accounts. I have never been one to use either of these previously as I have been somewhat of a social hermit when it comes to these kinds of applications but that's about to change! After adding a few friends and work colleagues to these social platforms, getting my blogs notoriety out there should become slightly easier. Also in a book written by Walsh, B. (2007, 275) discusses how tracking readership and influence is essential, by being able to consistently monitor blog readership figures, statistics and views. Another strategy I aim to employ is to engage in reader comments by responding to comments left regarding the blog, in order to help connect with individuals.


Creating Useful Posts

In regards to creating useful posts, using factual reliable sources is essential but also covering the various Enterprise 2.0 topics in a fun and useful way to help engage readers.  Hopefully by throwing in a bit of humour along the way will assist in not only making the blog memorable but make the topic more interesting.

I'll quickly touch on existing blogs which I read, and if I'm honest isn't many. Its only been recently that I have begun reading Dota2 blogs (Dota2 is an online game for those playing along at home), and my readership is sporadic at best which I aim to change during the course of this subject and beyond!

That about sums up my first blog. If you've you have read this far "cheers" and well done! Now you'll all be looking for the tall guy next lecture and be like "F*$k he really is that tall" (engaging readers strategy ;).. ).


Cyanide & Happiness. Tall Justin [image]. Retrieved from http://explosm.net/comics/2433/

Wright- Porto, H. (2011). Creative Blogging, Your First Steps to a Successful Blog. Retrieved from http://link.springer.com.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/book/10.1007%2F978-1-4302-3429-6

Walsh, B. (2007). Successful Blogging, Clear Blogging. Retrieved from http://link.springer.com.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/chapter/10.1007%2F978-1-4302-0321-6_9


  1. Ken I'd say you've done very well in your first blog. I particularly like the comic. I also see myself in the tall guy (I'm Justin). You've covered the task well and have some good references for further reading. I play Dota 2 as well but I don't really follow anything about it except during The Internationals.

  2. Hi mate, thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it. In the process of looking around for blogs I was just looking for things that currently interest me and there are a couple around for dota. The google community also has a dota community that posts a few interesting things too.

  3. Hi Ken, I really like your post and a bit comic in it...So far i haven't attended any lecture as i was sick like hell since last few weeks...But next time when i come to lecture i vl surely look for a tall guy.. ;) ;) as i am not that tall..just 5'1.. lol..

